ELA Blockchain Services a.s.
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The ElA Blockchain platform and application were introduced at the Smart Business Festival

The president of the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic Jiří Holoubek and representatives of the company “ElA Blockchain Services” Otto Havle and Jan Prokš introduced the ElA Blockchain platform and the application BlockChainNotarius®  at the Smart Business Festival organized by the CzechInno association at the Olympik Artemis Hotel on October 23, 2019. The Smart Business Festival is an event supporting the strategic and practical development of digital innovations. Th speech was aimed to introduce the ElA Blockchain platform, to show examples of the practical use in industry and to win partners interested in establishing ElA blockchain nodes.

Elektrotechnická associaceWe are a subsidiary company of the Electrical and Electronic Association of the Czech Republic. www.electroindustry.cz
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